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Nominator Registration step 1/2

Register your personal data so that we can contact you in case of need and success and in case of failure to meet the conditions of the competition. Please provide only truthful information; otherwise, we will be unable to contact you, and your registration and/or nominations will be discarded. If you entered something incorrectly, you will see it in a red frame.


If you want to nominate several projects for the competition, prepare them and submit them individually.

You will not have to enter your registration data again.

After completing the entry of nomination data, it will be possible to nominate another project without re-registration. This applies until you close your browser.

By submitting the registration, I agree to the competition rules, including the Privacy policy and Term of Use of this portal.

There was an error saving data. Try clicking the registration button again.


By completing this form:

- you are signing up to receive our emails and can unsubscribe anytime.

- You agree to WGIN’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.

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